

In English grammar, an adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs are used to provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent something happens or is done.

Adverbs can modify verbs by answering questions such as "how?" or "when?". For example:

She sings beautifully. (modifies the verb "sings" by answering "how?")

He arrived late. (modifies the verb "arrived" by answering "when?")

Adverbs can also modify adjectives by indicating the degree or intensity of the adjective. For example:

The food is extremely spicy. (modifies the adjective "spicy" by indicating the degree)

Adverbs can also modify other adverbs by indicating the degree or intensity of the adverb. For example:

She sings very beautifully. (modifies the adverb "beautifully" by indicating the degree)

Some common adverbs include: very, always, never, really, quickly, slowly, often, rarely, and loudly.

Using adverbs effectively can help to provide more detail and clarity to your writing and speech. However, it's important to use adverbs in moderation and choose them carefully to avoid making your writing or speech sound overly repetitive or wordy.

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